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Furthering is ​a registered 501(c)3.  All donations are tax deductible.


Beloved Partners,


Thank you for pouring into the spiritual lives of people who run long and hard in anti-trafficking efforts everyday.  Please contact me to receive regular monthly news about how your generosity is furthering the anti-trafficking movement here in the US and abroad.



Below are stories from some of the beautiful people I host in spiritual direction. 

They experience what this work can mean for the journey:


I work in Athens, Greece, in a safe house for abused and trafficked women.  Being in spiritual direction has been a journey from the valley of shadow and death to the green pastures of Psalm 23.  I have a space where I meet my God; it's the same space where I can walk with God while grieving what I hear and see everyday on the front lines of anti-trafficking.

~Patricia, Athens 


Spiritual direction with Sarrah Lynne makes such a difference for our staff.  It deeply supports our efforts to show up for survivors of trafficking every single day.

~Jene, Executive Director of a NW non-profit


Spiritual direction has been a place where I have experienced the love and healing of God in the places that feel the most vulnerable and painful in my life. It has been invaluable to have someone hold space and be a companion and guide for me on my spiritual journey.

     ~Alayna, Spokane


This past year of spiritual direction with Sarrah Lynne has been literally life changing.  Our time has been so critical in helping me discern the loving voice of the Divine and has focused the alignment of my work with my calling.  Spiritual direction has rooted my inner life in my true identity. 

        ~Ash, New York City


Spiritual direction has been a lifeline for me.  Sarrah Lynne has helped me notice and respond to God's loving voice, especially during seasons of grief and transition. 

      ~Rachael, Corvallis


Spiritual direction is one of the key practices that sustains me.  It keeps my heart connected to God.  Working with Sarrah Lynne is consistently a joy and a treasure, and I’m thrilled that this resource is available to anti-traffickers & survivors.

 ~Alex, Portland


Spiritual direction has fostered profound healing and wholeness in my life and has opened a pathway for me to experience deep connection with God and with myself.

     ~Sarah, Walla Walla


In spiritual direction I discover the ways that I uniquely connect with Creator in my Native heritage and have been able to find God's Presence in even my most mundane moments.

~Megan, Tulsa


In the past year, due in large part to the experiences I’ve had with spiritual direction, I’ve become better able to discern God’s voice and be more sensitive to the leading of Spirit.  The environment with Sarrah Lynne in spiritual direction is so rich.

  ~Aly, St. Louis


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